More young people making Will in Singapore?

SINGAPORE: More young people are making a will, including those who may not necessarily own property or other assets of high value, according to lawyers who believe that there is less taboo surrounding the subject. Making a will, which can cost between S$200 and S$1,500 depending on its complexity, is no longer the preserve of the elderly or the rich. Some lawyers said they have been seeing younger people coming in to get wills drafted.…

"More young people making Will in Singapore?"

Ex-Husband And Her Family Fighting For The Custody Of The Children

The ex-husband of the late businesswoman has been accused of taking grandchildren away from the grandparents and did not allow them to visit the children. Both parties are now fighting for the custody of the children. According to Shin Min Daily News, the managing director and successor to family-owned business KSP Marketing, Ms. Linda Koh, was found unconscious in her hotel room in Hong Kong while on a business trip. She was taken to the…

"Ex-Husband And Her Family Fighting For The Custody Of The Children"