Matthew Mellon gambled back $1b lost fortune: Now he’s dead and the money’s vanished 22 Apr, 2018 10:55am ’According to Forbes magazine, Mellon was worth an estimated $1 billion ($1.38b) because of an extraordinary gamble in Ripple cryptocurrency –money similar to Bitcoin which exists only in the digital world. He turned an initial $2 million investment into an online fortune. He “cashed out” $350 million of his investment on January 3 – just six days…
"The Importance of Estate Planning on Digital Assets"Month: April 2019
Below are the latest RPGT and Stamp Duty rates in 2019 RPGT 2019 Year Individual Citizen Individual Non-Citizen Companies Up to 3 Years 30% 30% 30% Up to 4 Years 20% 30% 20% Up to 5 Years 15% 30% 15% Above 5 Years 5% 10% 10% STAMP DUTY SCALE 2019 First RM100,000 1% Next RM 400, 000 2% Next RM500,000 3% RM1,000,000 above (New Level, effective on 1st of July 2019) 4% Sources:…
"Why Pay More Now When You Can Save Through A Will?"