Declaration Of Trust

Our UDeclare is a Declaration of Trust that is simple, flexible and powerful providing for your loved ones and securing their financial well-being. Under UDeclare, a trust is set up by you as trustee with Rockwills Trustee as your back up trustee. This prevents any delay in allowing your beneficiaries to enjoy the trust assets. In our UDeclare, you need not transfer the assets yet, until any of the following events (as determined by you)…

"Declaration Of Trust"

Business Value Protection Trust

I NEED TO FIND AN EXIT FOR MY SHARES WHEN A AM NOT AROUND A well-constructed plan is essential to protect the value of the business and provide cash for the family in the event there is a major disruption in the business due to a co-owner’s death, disability, retirement or serious major illness or any other event that jeopardizes the continuity of the business. Ask yourself:- If a co-owner dies today, can you work…

"Business Value Protection Trust"