Author: nbs007
"遗嘱没有受益人姓名,有效用吗?"What is Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN)? SSPN or the National Education Savings Scheme is a government-guaranteed savings scheme introduced by the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) to encourage people to save money for their children’s higher education financing purposes. Aside from being a mere savings account, SSPN also comes with competitive annual dividend returns and other attractive benefits. Any Malaysian is eligible to have a SSPN account (known as SSPN-i). For minors below…
"Estate Planning Solution on SSPN Accounts"Every child is special, but a child with special needs requires more attention. If your clients have a child with special needs, extra care is required when you discuss their estate plans. *source: Clients with special needs child often face the following estate planning challenges: Will the assets be readily accessible to the special needs child in the event the parents are incapacitated? How to ensure that the inheritance will be used for the…
"Leading Your Client With Special Needs Children To Set Up A Trust"The following story is based on an actual series of events, with some names and circumstances fictionalised. Any similarity to any person’s name, character, or history is coincidental and unintentional. It is about how to convert highly illiquid assets to more liquid and easily realisable. Bob and Leonard were the best of buddies. They did everything together in school and through university, including courting the same girl until she decided on Leonard, whereupon Bob graciously…
"Bob’s Dilemma: How To Convert Highly Illiquid Assets To More Liquid And Easily Realisable"以下故事基于一系列真实事件,其中一些名称、角色或背景纯属虚构,如有雷同,实属巧合及无意。
"为什么单身人士更需要信托?"What happens to pets when their owner dies? Often, the ownership of the pets will be passed on to those whom they live with. It can be given to a family member, friend, or rehomed? But, what if no one is able to look after them? There is no doubt that pets are usually overlooked in the estate planning process. Taking cognisance of this, Rockwills International Group, the leading wills and trust specialist, is introducing…
"Protecting furry friends when the owner dies"一天傍晚,Jane突然收到母亲的来电。母亲在电话的另一端表现得非常惊慌失措,紧张地表示:“我找不到我的遗嘱了!我要修改遗嘱的内容,所以那天从遗嘱保管中心取回了我的遗嘱。今早我才突然想起这件事,并花了整个下午去寻找却找不着。”